Saturday, March 29, 2008

Personal Connections- Displaying Emotion

Morrie has a problem with Mitch's inability to show emotion. Mitch doesn't like to cry, and as such is like most guys. Do you think that it is OK for men to shed tears? Are there situations when it is appropriate and when they are not (for either gender)? Does crying make anyone (male for female) look weak? Why do you think this even became an issue? Who is to blame?


KROSE said...

I think that Mitch has had it hard in his life and not everything has gone the way he wishes it could've. Plus, most guys don't like showing emotion no matter what the circumstances.I just think that if Morrie keeps working with him and trying to get him to open up more, that he eventually will.

jake said...

i dont think men should cry cause that means that men are not tough enough. but in some causes they can cry and it would be ok but not a lot.

Haley said...

I think that is okay for men to cry. i dont think that it makes anyone look weak if there is a terrible situation that their going through.

dErEk said...
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Levi said...

i think that men shouldnt cry unless its like someones death but all the time isnt right

Alyssa said...

I think that men have a hard time opening up, so it will just take time. In some circumstances it is not okay to cry, because it is an inappropriate time, but it just depends.

dErEk said...

Morrie is creating a new type of emotion in Mitch. It has been tough for him to show his emotions, even though he has gone thorugh a lot of hard times.

Walker said...

I think that it is ok for guy to cry at times. Men have always been taught that crying is a sign of weakness and that it is wrong, but i think that it is ok to cry sometimes. Because that shows that you actually care.

Killian l said...

in response to Jake's post....I feel that it's ok for a guy to cry. I personaly feel that only that person can tell what they've been through. A man who just lost a loved one...could cry. But you might not know that he had lost someone close to call him weak would be close minded.

justin said...

I think it is ok for men to cry in certain situations. Men crying randomly is just not right. It dosnt make you look weak if you dont cry all the time. This became an issue because men are looked at differently than women.

dErEk said...

jake...go cry! haha i think it's alright under certain circumstances. but i will disagree with your theory of men crying doesnt make them tough..

Ashley S. said...

I think that in some situations it is okay to show your emotions. Most of the time girls are more willing to show theirs. I think that a lot of guys think that is does make them seem weak to other people but in my opinion it's fine. Usually people view guys as tough and unemotional but i think that everybody has times when they just can't hold back their feelings all the time.

KALEY! said...

I think that Mitch has been through a lot through out his life adn has been blocking his emotions but Morrie has been helping him so i think that after a little more time he wil be able to share his emotions.

Austin said...

I think its a personal thing, if you want to cry, go for it. I think general feeling that crying makes you weak, i dont thinks its right though.

Mike G said...

Crying, a mans worst fear. But it shouldn't be. Given, a man shouldn't cry all the time. But everyone who thinks a guy who cries is a baby, needs to go to counseling because obviously they are insecure about their own selves. I'm going to admit iw as bawling my eyes out on Wednesday and Thrusday at the Visitation and funeral of my grandmother. Does that make me weak? Not at all. There are ALWAYS circumstances that crying is perfectly fine, just not every single thing that goes wrong.

NickD said...

i dont know i think crying is a sign of weakness but everyone does it for instance if you have a death in your family im sure you are going to cry about it. I think it is all right for Morrie to cry because he is in a sign of depression and he has no hope of getting a cure for this disease, yea Morrie has it pritty hard.

LeAmber R. said...

I believe that it is perfectly fine for guys to cry or express their feelings. That's the way God made us. I don't think it's alright to cry all the time but if there's a real reason to be crying, then i don't care if you're a guy or girl, it doesn't matter. The public has pretty much made the whole theory that says "Men Don't Cry and shouldn't..." but it's stupid and ridiculous!

jake said...

i agree to levi's respons cause it is so true.

Rowan K. said...

I think its ok for guys to cry. guys try to be big and strong without letting anything out but it's not good. I'm not saying they should cry a lot but just ocasionaly when they need to let somthing out. Crying can be appropriate at any time. For good or for bad. It not weakness, it the strength to let something out. It's an issue cause guys think that its weak and have too much pride to admit that they might have a problem. Everyone is to blame.

NickM said...

I think that it is ok for men to cry in the right situations. In a situation like Morrie's, it is ok to cry. I mean, he is dying, that is sad, i don't care what you say.

Levi said...

i disagree to walkers comment because it isnt okay for guys to cry unless its a death or something related to that

Anonymous said...

Just because you're a guy doesn't mean that anyone should make a double standard for you. This is one of the things Morrie talks about in this books: Society making our culture for us. We need our own subculture. Just because you're a guy doesn't mean that it's not masculine to cry. As some girls know, crying can be very cleansing for the soul. And guys don't judge girls if they "just need to cry." So why does it make it okay for girls to judge guys? Or for other guys to judge another guy? If you always go by what someone else thinks you should or should not do, then how do you know what you would really do in a situation. You start thinking like other people. Instead of being what is expected, raise the bar a little higher, by mature enough to not think it's childish for a guy to cry. Just because women have periods and guys don't, and because girls' lives seemed to be filled with more drama, or because our hormones are sometimes out of wack doesn't mean that guys never have anything to cry about. So many things can go on in a teenager's life. Whether you're a girl or a boy.

purpledrank said...

I think men should be able to cry when they have an arm chopped off or something but right now men crying is socially shunned. I mean most girls don't like guys who cry more than they do. As far as it being weak, if it is weak for a guy than it is also for a girl I think the street goes both ways.

mike churchill said...

I belive that it is okay to cry only if something terrible happens like someone close to you dies or something like that.

Corey M. said...

I think that men shouldnt be criticized for crying if they are going through something that is very depressing, or sad for them then it is alright, but if it happens often then it isnt good.

LeAmber R. said...

Killian...I totally agree! No one has the right to call someone weak when they are crying because you're right, no one knows what they are going through except for them. And it's up to them to decide when it's the right time to cry and sometimes it will be when you least expect it.

Dakoda L said...

I feel it doesn't matter what gender you are if you cry there is a reason for it. It is just some people take a different approach with pain and other things like that. I feel that it doesn't make a person weak for crying it shows they are the ones that need help to be lifted up and set back into the right path. I don't think it is an issue, I think that guys just want to look like they don't have feelings and to tell you the truth I think that is stupid because if you don't have feelings then you can't relate to other people. That is one of my best things is relating to people because I don't try to hide my feelings.

Frankie P said...

I think it's okay to cry if your a guy. There is nothing wrong with showing your emotions. Sometimes it's better when you show people you are strong though. Sometimes people can be weak but most of the time your crying for a reason. The only thing i hate is when girls cry for stupid things!

Ashley S. said...

Levi...i diasgree with you!! I think there are plenty of other situations where it is okay for guys to cry, not just for a death.

Alyssa said...

I agree with the ones that say it is okay to cry. Everyone has to filter out emotions...

Anonymous said...

Dakoda, I completely agree with you. Even though it's okay for guy's to cry, different people have different ways to deal with pain. Whether it's crying, singing, dancing, or anything.

zach mp said...

i think its all good for u to cry boy or girl depending on the situation, like there are some girls that cry over nothing which is dumb, but if sumthin serious boy or girl its ok to cry

jake said...

in respons to drok why dont you go cry cause i said it is ok under certain cercumstanses or how ever it is spelled but ya. so there

zach mp said...

i agree with franki, people shouldnt cry for no reason

zach mp said...
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Tia C said...

Seeing that Mitch cares what people think about him, he doesnt want to be put off as not manly enough. I dont think that men should be afraid to cry. Girls cry all the time and dont really care that guys, cry so why should guys?

Dakoda L said...

Jake you think that is only ok for certain circumstances but you don't get along with everyone because all you try to do is act tough and it gets you no where. The only way that you are going to be able to be good friends with someone is if you can relate with them which means you have to have feelings where you can cry with someone. And seriously guys stop telling Jake to shut up because he is just explaining what he feels is right on this post. And Jake stop trying to tell everyone that they are wrong it is their opinion so ya.

Mike G said...

I think the people sitting here saying that it ISN'T okay to cry need to do some serious thinking, because the fact is, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO CRY, OR ELSE WE WOULDN'T HAVE THE FUNCTION TO DO SO. It is a way of relieveing stress and pressure on your life. As long as you aren't crying for no reason, there is no problem with it.

Rowan K. said...

I disagree with Levi. If you are hurt, and it doesn't have to be physicaly, you should cry if you need to. I mean, we are all human and no one is perfect.

KALEY! said...


ryan h said...

in responce to jake i think that it is okay for men to cry. i can see where he is coming from about not being tough enough but there are some things that i think that it is okay for men to cry about.

Ashley S. said...


Dakoda L said...

Mike I definately agree with you. You put it in the best definition. If you have tear ducts then what else are they used for if you are not going to cry. It is a bodily function that happens no matter what you just choose when you cry or don't sometimes.

Pwned said...
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LeAmber R. said...

You're wrong jake!

LeAmber R. said...

I disagree with leamber, men SHOULDN'T cry!!!!!!

-Justin R. (lost password)...sry!